She doesn't look too happy here...and she wasn't really :) But soooo cute!! Poor pup.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Come, look in my fridge!

I made fudge!! Mmmmm....

And here's my dress for my fancy dinner date with Rich! He made reservations at the place and the dude said "Gentlemen are required to wear jackets." hhahahahah we will be so out of place!
One tray is for me and Rich.
One is for Rich's family.
One is for my family (of which I, again, will mostly eat)
One is for work peeps.
Some funny things to note in my fridge: Instant bacon; can of icing; sushi! Can you find them all? If you can learn a lot about someone by looking in their refrigerator, mine must show how utterly unstable I am! HA.
Oh--and here is my Christmas present to myself: 2 ANTHROPOLOGIE sweaters!! ooohhh!!!
They were on sale :)

Only 2 more days of work! yay!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
All I want for Christmas
(Disclaimer: I do not actually expect any of these items from friends or family---simply wishful thinking!)
— This dress from Anthropologie: It is my favorite. Ever!
— This is a close second:

— This dress from Anthropologie: It is my favorite. Ever!
— This is a close second:

— An unlimited supply of vines to make my crowns. I went to my "source" today and almost peed my pants when a deer jumped out of the woods. I hear they can attack people--so I booked it out of there. It was totally cold and muddy, too.
— Speaking of which---an unlimited supply of shipping boxes and bubble wrap.
— A new job.....
— A way to make the hour-long drive to Rich's house in less time.
— My sister (and her family) to move to the East Coast so we can all be together more often.
— For the mouse that is living in my apartment to peacefully leave on his own--and to stop biting little holes in my cardboard boxed food stuffs. (I don't want to get a trap!!)

— A Lotus Elise for my dad.
— A cool greenhouse for my mom.
— Speaking of which---an unlimited supply of shipping boxes and bubble wrap.
— A new job.....
— A way to make the hour-long drive to Rich's house in less time.
— My sister (and her family) to move to the East Coast so we can all be together more often.
— For the mouse that is living in my apartment to peacefully leave on his own--and to stop biting little holes in my cardboard boxed food stuffs. (I don't want to get a trap!!)

— A Lotus Elise for my dad.
— A cool greenhouse for my mom.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
lucy in the sky with diamonds

In Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Norway and Finland, Lucy (called Lucia) it is venerated on December 13 in a ceremony where a girl is elected to portray Lucia. Wearing a white gown with a red sash and a crown of candles on her head, she walks at the head of a procession of women, each holding a candle. The candles symbolize the fire that refused to take St. Lucia's life when she was sentenced to be burned. The women sing a Lucia song while entering the room, to the melody of the traditional Neapolitan song Santa Lucia; the Italian lyrics describe the view from Santa Lucia in Naples, the various Scandinavian lyrics are fashioned for the occasion, describing the light with which Lucia overcomes the darkness.
Just thought this was cool---it's a crown for one thing---and it kind of goes along with the solstice/light thing. Kind of neat.
Speaking of lights: One cool thing about living downtown is all the lights!! I have 2 little candles in my front windows, but the light from outside kind of out-dos them :) hehe
Getting excited for XMAS!!!! WHEE!! So- me and Rich aren't doing presents--but we are doing cards. Any ideas? What should I write?? eep.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
i'm on a movie kick... can you tell?

Backstory: I worked at a Borders bookstore for a couple years a couple years ago. During that entire time, this book (The Kiterunner) was on the top-sellers shelf. The whole time. Did I read it? Of course not. I hate bestsellers (unless it's Harry Potter-related...or Twilight...ok. I lie...)
ANYWAYS. I decided to Netflix the movie and I watched it Monday night when I was sitting home alone and crafting. Bad idea! It was SO GOOD....but sad. Oh my goodness. And definitely disturbing.
I was seriously blubbering with tears at the end...when he's running with the kite for the kid! AH.
So- have you read the book and/or seen the movie? I imagine the book is ruined for me now.
I recommend the movie, nevertheless :)
p.s. Look at some of my NEW LISTINGS----you can totally see GRAY HAIRS!!!! ahh!! :O
Oh, and I spent some time with the fella this weekend, too :) I guess I can share his name. Have I not yet? It's Rich. And I still don't think he reads this. I hope not!!
We took some photos with our sweet cameras. I forget what his is called, but it was definitely more technical than mine.
I was not supposed to show the pictures of him to anyone because he didn't shave and he says he looks like "a dirty hippie" :) I guess I better not. (Aren't I such a good girlfriend!!) ha! Maybe tomorrow....
But, here's a consolation prize: A picture of me that Rich took! I actually like it. It looks like how I feel. Usually I think I don't look like myself in pictures. I think he captured the real me :) (in more ways than one...sigh....) :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Holiday road
This is the time of year when I have HAVE to have a day of mandatory movie-watching. Amanda W.? Crafts?
It is the true signal to the start of the Christmas season for me when I can watch the old favorites all bundled up with perhaps a cup of cocoa (or Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
Here are my top 10 (in no particular order)

1.) A Christmas Story — Ralphie's BB gun quest is the pinnacle Christmas gift lust. This movie is best watched on Christmas Day when TBS runs it for 24 hours straight.
2.) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation — Everything that can go wrong will go wrong for Clark Griswold (aka Sparkie).

3.) A Muppet Christmas Carol — This is such a sweet and funny movie. Even if you're not a muppet fan---Miss Piggy as Ms. Cratchit is pricless. It has a good mix of human and muppet actors--plus a few really cute songs.

4.) Home Alone — I love the plot line with the old man in this movie. It always makes me cry when they're sitting in the church watching his granddaughter singing. Plus--it's got that great techo-mix song.
6.) The Preacher's Wife — My mom and I both love this one. It's got Whitney Houston and Denzel Washington---he's an angel who falls for the preacher's wife at Christmas. Turns out happy in the end though :)
7.) It's a Wonderful Life — Had to through this one in there. Gotta love Jimmy Stewart.
8.) How the Grinch Stole Christmas — This is the one that reminds me of my childhood the most. That little dog with the antlers is the sweetest.

It is the true signal to the start of the Christmas season for me when I can watch the old favorites all bundled up with perhaps a cup of cocoa (or Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
Here are my top 10 (in no particular order)

1.) A Christmas Story — Ralphie's BB gun quest is the pinnacle Christmas gift lust. This movie is best watched on Christmas Day when TBS runs it for 24 hours straight.

3.) A Muppet Christmas Carol — This is such a sweet and funny movie. Even if you're not a muppet fan---Miss Piggy as Ms. Cratchit is pricless. It has a good mix of human and muppet actors--plus a few really cute songs.

4.) Home Alone — I love the plot line with the old man in this movie. It always makes me cry when they're sitting in the church watching his granddaughter singing. Plus--it's got that great techo-mix song.
5.) Meet Me in St. Louis — This movie is not really a Christmas movie persay. BUT the Christmas scene in it features the first time anyone (Judy Garland) sang "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" --and she does it best.
6.) The Preacher's Wife — My mom and I both love this one. It's got Whitney Houston and Denzel Washington---he's an angel who falls for the preacher's wife at Christmas. Turns out happy in the end though :)
7.) It's a Wonderful Life — Had to through this one in there. Gotta love Jimmy Stewart.
8.) How the Grinch Stole Christmas — This is the one that reminds me of my childhood the most. That little dog with the antlers is the sweetest.

9.) A Charlie Brown Christmas — the tree. Plus, I love the soundtrack.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Odetta dies
NEW YORK (AP) — Odetta's monumental voice rang out in August 1963 when she sang "I'm on My Way" at the historic March on Washington, where Martin Luther King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.
She had hoped to perform again in Washington next month when Barack Obama is inaugurated as the nation's first black president. But the acclaimed folk singer, who influenced generations of musicians and was an icon in the civil rights struggle, died Tuesday after battling heart disease. She was 77.
In spite of failing health, Odetta performed 60 concerts in the last two years, and her singing ability never diminished, manager Doug Yeager said.
"The power would just come out of her like people wouldn't believe," he said.
She had hoped to perform again in Washington next month when Barack Obama is inaugurated as the nation's first black president. But the acclaimed folk singer, who influenced generations of musicians and was an icon in the civil rights struggle, died Tuesday after battling heart disease. She was 77.
In spite of failing health, Odetta performed 60 concerts in the last two years, and her singing ability never diminished, manager Doug Yeager said.
"The power would just come out of her like people wouldn't believe," he said.
Here's my favorite song of Odetta's:
Monday, December 1, 2008
crowns in real life!
My goodness!! This lovely girl Yuli sent me a link to pictures of her wedding where she was wearing one of my crowns!!! GASP!!
If you have any pictures of you + your crown, send em up! I would love to see them and put em in my blog (if you want! :) )
The photos are absolutely amazing--definitely worth a click.
And check this out!! My super cool friend Beth sent me a picture of her and her boy, Carl, hanging out at the Renaissance Festival with (what else) one of my crowns!! Aren't they so cute?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
back in time
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
gobble gobble.

I know, it's not today. It's tomorrow. But I work today AND tomorrow, so I've got to get in my holiday greetings while I can!!!
The plans for this year are as follows:
--Potluck dinner at work on Thursday. I am bringing twice-baked potatoes.
--Potluck dinner/party at my fella's on Friday. I am bringing more twice-baked potatoes.
--Real dinner at my parent's on Saturday. I am bringing my fella to meet them (!!!)
--Sunday and Monday: Rest.
I know you are here is my recipe for twice-baked potatoes (off the top of my head, as it always is).
Bake about 6 large baking potatoes.
Cut them in half, lengthwise, and scoop out the centers with a spoon. Save the insides in a bowl.
Take the skins and line them in a lightly greased casserole dish. Sprinkle with kosher salt.
To the insides: Add a splash of milk, a GOOD AMOUNT of butter and sour cream, plus some chopped green onions, cheddar cheese and bacon (optional.)
Take this mixture and put it BACK INTO the skins. You can then add some more cheese and goodies to garnish, if you'd like.
Next, put the whole dish in the oven--350 for about 20-30 minutes, or until the tops get just a bit golden.
Garnish with some rosemary sprigs for a festive feel :)
Here's what I'm thankful for:
My loving, supportive parents; my super cool sister and her amazing kid, Ella; my amazingly wonderful boyfriend, who I am consistently in awe of how much I adore; my friends who put up with my lack of ability to be social; my job (hey--at least I've still got it, right?), etsy, which enables me to make my fun money and develop my art; my health, which is pretty much OK; my hopes for a happy future.
--Potluck dinner at work on Thursday. I am bringing twice-baked potatoes.
--Potluck dinner/party at my fella's on Friday. I am bringing more twice-baked potatoes.
--Real dinner at my parent's on Saturday. I am bringing my fella to meet them (!!!)
--Sunday and Monday: Rest.
I know you are here is my recipe for twice-baked potatoes (off the top of my head, as it always is).
Bake about 6 large baking potatoes.
Cut them in half, lengthwise, and scoop out the centers with a spoon. Save the insides in a bowl.
Take the skins and line them in a lightly greased casserole dish. Sprinkle with kosher salt.
To the insides: Add a splash of milk, a GOOD AMOUNT of butter and sour cream, plus some chopped green onions, cheddar cheese and bacon (optional.)
Take this mixture and put it BACK INTO the skins. You can then add some more cheese and goodies to garnish, if you'd like.
Next, put the whole dish in the oven--350 for about 20-30 minutes, or until the tops get just a bit golden.
Garnish with some rosemary sprigs for a festive feel :)
Here's what I'm thankful for:
My loving, supportive parents; my super cool sister and her amazing kid, Ella; my amazingly wonderful boyfriend, who I am consistently in awe of how much I adore; my friends who put up with my lack of ability to be social; my job (hey--at least I've still got it, right?), etsy, which enables me to make my fun money and develop my art; my health, which is pretty much OK; my hopes for a happy future.
Friday, November 21, 2008
on the road again

Well, it's another end of a week (almost) and I'm back on the road. My birds are going to be so lonesome. I feel bad.
Here they are (below) taking a bath at my old house. The little tykes.

My poor little car is going to get a workout. Speaking of which --I think I need an oil change!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
back to normal
Whew. That was some excitement. Amanda and I did a little bit of close-watching of the trailer during craft day and decided that, yes, we are indeed excited for the new Harry Potter movie. HA!
So, I had a pretty exciting rest of my weekend (other than making tons of crowns and combs and headbands) --here is my fav:

I had a nice little date with my fella :) He is good; we are good; all is well with the world!!! :D
Here is a super cute picture....sorry if it makes you gag a bit :) hehehe hem..... I went to the Starbucks this morning for my usual "monday morning" Pumpkin Spice Latte and the place was CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS!! ARG. There were really angry caffeine-starved people..... myself included.
BUT, other than that, I am all smiles. :)
Here is some inspiration for the day: My grandmother (Adeline) and grandfather's (Milton) wedding! Aren't those bridesmaids hats so chic!?!?!? I think I need to make something with that same tulle gathering in the back. Very nice....

SO, I guess that's all for now.
So, I had a pretty exciting rest of my weekend (other than making tons of crowns and combs and headbands) --here is my fav:

I had a nice little date with my fella :) He is good; we are good; all is well with the world!!! :D
Here is a super cute picture....sorry if it makes you gag a bit :) hehehe hem..... I went to the Starbucks this morning for my usual "monday morning" Pumpkin Spice Latte and the place was CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS!! ARG. There were really angry caffeine-starved people..... myself included.
BUT, other than that, I am all smiles. :)
Here is some inspiration for the day: My grandmother (Adeline) and grandfather's (Milton) wedding! Aren't those bridesmaids hats so chic!?!?!? I think I need to make something with that same tulle gathering in the back. Very nice....

SO, I guess that's all for now.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
OKay, I hate to turn this blog into a big dork-fest, but ..... THE NEW HARRY POTTER TRAILER CAME OUT TODAY!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Friday, November 14, 2008
music of the night

I think with the winter coming (pretty much here) I'm trying to branch out (no pun intended) and get away from the natural elements of my crowns--at least until spring. It just seems more natural to use more vintage elements and things of the like...

Tomorrow I have to buy/procure the following before work:
1.) Vines
2.) Headbands
3.) Clips
4.) Ingredients for dinner
PLUS! I have to go to the Post Office! I can't really complain though. If I wasn't super busy, I would be super bored :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
the red and the black

I may or may not be like most Americans in that I never really heard about "Remembrance Day." I finally figured it out this year, and I was so intrigued. Basically, it's Veterans Day, but it's all based off of a POEM. I love that.
I've heard the poem before---but the connection is amazing.
"In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields." ---John McCrae
Anyways, I REALLY LOVE the little poppy pins. Maybe it's the red and black combo--not I think I am going to make a poppy crown. I've made on before, but not as stylized. I will hopefully work on it this weekend and can report back with the fabulous results!!
Happy weekend (soon!)

Monday, November 10, 2008
just because
So I know my last post was pretty much complaining about money---but I had to buy these shoes. And now, I just have to brag a bit to you all :) They are really a dark red color--kind of wine.
It's the little things in life, I suppose.
Guess what I did last night? Made S'MORES!!! :) (yes--with the fella---ooooo ooo!!) I love fall, but I'm really dreading winter. It's already gotten really cold--tonight it's in the 20's. Yikes.
Here's to dreaming of spring...

Friday, November 7, 2008
Dear Santa.

I've been telling myself that I need to get started on my Christmas shopping early this year.
Then, they fired about 20 people from my work this week, and now I am panicked. Do I save money "just in case?"
It was already going to be an "Etsy" Christmas this year--but now--It may be a "Baked Goods" Christmas :)
I don't know. I guess it does no good to worry and plan...I need to live without reservations.
I think a large purchase of lottery tickets are in order, or, a really nice letter to Santa.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I admit it: I am a sappy girl
So, I was "researching" head wear in movies this weekend, trying to find some inspiration for new creations.
I love the piece in "Love Actually" that Kiera Knightley wears. It's really simple and feathery. Can't find a photo though.
Anyways, I started YouTubing around and started getting all sappy looking at all these romance movies.
For your viewing pleasure, and no particular reason otherwise, here are my top four favorite romantic movie scenes ever!! (It was going to be three---but I couldn't decide between them---So grab some leftover Halloween candy and enjoy :)
4.) Breakfast at Tiffany's (This scene is mostly tear-jerking because of Cat.)
3.) The Notebook (sigh. No explanation needed.)
2.) Little Women (I think this was the first movie kiss I saw (when I was like 10) that made me actually swoon. I still think it's amazing.)
1.) Love Actually (Unrequited love. Gotta love it.)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween! ( a day late.)

I bought a bag of these things..."fun sized." Oh my.
CLICK HERE to carve a virtual pumpkin. It is a lot cooler than it sounds. :)
In life news, my fella came over last night and we watched "American Psycho" --(scary, for Halloween and all that.)
It's a well-made movie...definitely creeped me out a LOT. But hey, I guess that's the idea. It made me want to order some really nice business cards. Ecru, with raised, sans-serif lettering in deep ochre. :) heheehee
Got my party tomorrow. I think the Amy Winehouse idea is not going to work out. But, I've got the ole standby fairy wings! I know, it's an easy way out. But what can I say?
OOOhhh. And I need to make an Election Day post here pretty soon. I will be laying out the front page (at 2 in the morning most likely....ugh...) But, I choose not to talk politics in blog--land. But, if you know me, you know who I'm rooting for :)
Monday, October 27, 2008

Anyways, I got FLOWERS!! WHAaattt?? How sweet is that?! I don't think I've ever gotten flowers aside from a birthday/anniversary/v-day event. And we watched "Goodwill Hunting" and we scavenged food from around town to eat here (sushi, burger, chicken pasta.) Just thought I would share!!
So, today I am all about etsy. Listing, crafting, etc. Plus, I got a pumpkin spice latte from the evil Starbucks today. It was just so good though.

OH! I got a great new album today, too. Ani DiFranco "Canon"--It's a 2-disc set, and it pretty much has all her hits, plus a few re-mixes, etc. Highly recommend it if you're an Ani fan.
Alright, I'm going to get some Panera for dinner and list more STUFF. :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I would have posted items and blogged more, but ...
I would have posted items and blogged more, but ... I have a date!!! Actually, it's not a "date" date ... well, maybe it kind of is ... I don't know. We're watching a movie at my apartment. Any suggestions? So, the time I would be on Etsy today is now devoted to making myself look cute. And doing laundry!!!
Sorry, Etsy, but a girl's gotta do....
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Guess what you guys?? My mom, who runs A Better Time on Etsy, just opened a new PLANT SHOP! It's called A Better Place. She sells seeds and goodies for all you gardeners out there :)
She is the best grower I know, and a wealth of information!

OH--and p.s. She is recovering from surgery right now, so it would be SOOOO SWEET if everyone left her a message on her etsy shop to get well soon! :) I know she would love it!! And, you could probably buy something, too! :) heheheee
OK--so, Halloween.
Here's my pumpkin, first off. I think I may have gotten it a bit too early this year. It's starting to feel a lot less "firm...." So I may not carve it. It's too pretty, anyways!
And for costumes, I think I am settled on Amy Winehouse. I am going to have to get a beehive wig still...and lots of eyeliner...and draw tattoos all over my arms! :)
I am going to a party after work Friday--so I can't get into too much trouble after 11 p.m. haha
And--top secret--there is a boy in my life!! SHHH!! I hope he doesn't read this....but he makes me smile :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
TAG, I'm it. are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
*** disclaimer!!*** I am so bad at this type of thing.. (low self-esteem anyone?)
1.) I am good friends with Renald, my friendly neighborhood Post Office clerk. We talk about football and how there's "no news in Frederick."
2.) I work at the local newspaper copy editing and designing the layout for pages.
3.) Sometimes my two parakeets eat the wall.
4.) I always eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is usually a departure.
5.) I always carry a fairly complete medicine cabinet in my purse.
6.) I hold onto sentimental things--even things like tags from a gift bag.
7.) I enjoy British comedies on PBS.
Here is who I will tag (did tag in about 20 minutes... hhaha)
The Breymaiers!
Painted Sky Woman
Tres Fly
Vinxen Vintage
Matt Talbert Paintings
Celeste Frittata
Don't you want to see who was cool enough to respond?? Ahhhh--PEER PRESSURE!! :)
Painted Sky Woman
Tres Fly
Vinxen Vintage
Matt Talbert Paintings
Celeste Frittata
Don't you want to see who was cool enough to respond?? Ahhhh--PEER PRESSURE!! :)
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