
I got a new tattoo!! I'm super hard-core now. Look out little children -- flee in my presence!!
I've been wanting to get something big and bold ever since I quit my "real job" almost 6 months ago now. I always tend to get a tattoo when I have some sort of life-changing event... that way I can always remember where/who I was when I got it.
My first tattoos seem so far away now ... I was such a little kid when I got them!! I might not have chosen them now, but I love them just the same because they seem to encapsulate who I was at that point in my life. And no matter how much I grow and change, I'll always have a little bit of that scared little girl in me :)
This one is especially meaningful for me ... PLUS it's the first tattoo that I can really see! (the others are on my back.) I keep looking at it because I can! hahah :P
Anyways, the flower is a wild geranium .. but I picked it because it sort of looks like a cherry blossom, which is supposed to represent change/a new direction in life. I don't know for whom ... but anyway ...
Normally, I think tattoos that represent something are sort of silly, but this one is a bit non-obvious I think.
In other news:::: I think I'm going to slowly close out my other shop---the home decor one.
I sold a few things, but it's not really taking off. I was mainly hoping to sell things before I move, but I think I need to just purge and start fresh!!
SSOOOO---look for a SALE in my decor shop, plus some more vintage items transferring over to my main whichgoose site :)
I got my prize in the mail and posted about it on my blog
Thanks again!!
WOW, love your tattoo! Wish I was brave enough to get one that big, want my next one on my ribs but hear it hurts like hell!
Love your blog - and your headpieces (I have 3 now) xxx
Oooh, pretty! I haven't gotten a new tattoo in a few years, and I think its getting to be about time...
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