I've been collecting examples of crowns from various catalogs and such as they turn up. And look! Three! They are from Urban Outfitters, Free People and Anthropologie catalogs, respectively. (I think...)
Really, just the top one is a true crown, per say, but you know. It's like collecting bits of proof

In other news!! The big vacation is coming up! Rich and I spent the past 6+ months (the entirety of our relationship) planning a big super gianourmous trip to London.
BUT, my fear of flying there, paired with my fear of flying back, has edited this into a jaunt down to Virginia.
We're thinking of doing the Colonial Williamsburg, Busch Gardens, and Virginia Beach circuit over about a week.
I feel myself getting stressed out already. I fear I am just not able to have a relaxing vacation. I will sincerely try though :)
i'm not positive, but i think urban, anthro, and free people are all owned by the same huge evil conglomerate... i actually know urban and anthro are under the same ownership, just not postive about free peeps. so that sounds about right that they display our (stolen) ideas throughout all their companies... (can you tell i'm not thrilled with their design ethics?) its too bad that i love lots of things from those stores, i have a love/hate with them...
hehe I have this image of these "Dr. Evil"-type people looking at our shops and totally stealing it all! :)
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