I am the sucker that coupons were invented for. I will (inevitably) forget them, lose them, or try to use them before they're valid or after they've expired.
I don't know why I even try anymore. It never works out. And then, on the rare occasion where I remember and have a valid coupon, the item is already on sale or some other silly rule like that.
And it's not even that big of a deal. I would end up saving MAYBE 3 or 4 dollars in the end.... But I just always end up feeling like they FORCED me to come in there (with the lure of the coupon money-savings) and then BAM! ---I am spending money!
I used to work at a retail location. It was a Borders book shop. Their big thing was coupons that you print out and bring in for some sort of deal or percent off.
I encountered all sorts of coupon faux pas:
"I don't have a printer." or " I lost the coupon."
"I want to return this item and buy it with the coupon."
"I want to use these two Xeroxed coupons on these two books."
"My 2-year-old is buying this other book with this Xeroxed coupon."
etc., etc., etc.
I like to think that I am a good consumer because of these experiences. I don't like to hassle the retail worker. I've seen this same phenomenon with past-waiters/waitresses...they always give good tips.
But, come on ... it' not like the store will go out of business if you just give me the $3 discount....
Thanks for listening to my vent!!
Vacation's almost hhheeeeerrrreee!!! :) :)