I think I may have blogged about them already. Hard to say...
I'm not sure why I got them all in the first place. But I know exactly at what point in my life I got them. I can remember who I was with, who I loved, what I wanted, who I thought I was.
It's all recorded on my back!
I got the compass first, then the N and S, then the angels (one at a time) then the banner. I bled, I cried, I held hands, I tried to look tough.
It started off as an old map theme...with a bit of "Moby Dick" inspiration... I don't know for sure. It's all a bit faded now, and I usually forget I have them until I catch them in the mirror or photograph, or someone says, "Hey, you have tattoos." (I know - I was there.)
So, anyway, the point of this rambling was to put out the call for a new one. I've been looking at this guy for a while (God from Milton's "Paradise Lost.") Kind of cool looking.

Then again, I've been thinking about getting something on my inner forearm. Something small but meaningful. Maybe a small vine or fern...or a goose!
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
What about a little girl wearing a foresty-crown? You did dress up once, when you were a wee one, and wasn't the forest an inspiration to you? I dunno... still getting to know you, but that's my first guess...
I love both the ideas of the vine and the goose. Maybe a goose holding a vine crown.
I love your tattoos!
Cute ideas! I think I'm leaning just toward a bit of curly vine now. Maybe shaping toward a crown (?)
yours are all lovely!
i love the idea of a vine wrapped around an arm or an ankle... you made a vine bracelet once, right?
i'm itching for a new tattoo too!
a victorian bow around my wrist...
i don't want to be the stick in the mud, BUT....not your forearm please. i have tats all over, but still regret the always visible one on my forearm. you're very creative and i love the ones on your back, so i'm sure you'll come up with a great design.
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