"Happy back to school" if it applies to you --- sorry if it does. I remember the night before the first day back to school each year was always crappy for me. So much dread and anxiety!
Anyway --- today I am thankful for hitting the 4,000 sales mark! It doesn't really mean anything concrete ... except it proves my ability to keep the business going long-term! And that's the goal really.

If I could be doing the same thing 10 years from now, I would consider myself the luckiest girl in the world ...
I got this little "money sock" while antiquing this past weekend with Mrs. Beth. She's a real-life librarian! Isn't that cool?!?!
She got a cute little 50's coffee table and a canvas/oil portrait.
I got a bunch of vintage hats to de-flower and re-create :) PLUS an awesome mirror that I'm trying to convince Rich to hang up in our entrance way instead of his Iron Maiden poster.
And holy cute money sock!!!
congratulations! that is super exciting!
and good luck with the mirror :)
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