I bought a bag of these things..."fun sized." Oh my.
CLICK HERE to carve a virtual pumpkin. It is a lot cooler than it sounds. :)
In life news, my fella came over last night and we watched "American Psycho" --(scary, for Halloween and all that.)
It's a well-made movie...definitely creeped me out a LOT. But hey, I guess that's the idea. It made me want to order some really nice business cards. Ecru, with raised, sans-serif lettering in deep ochre. :) heheehee
Got my party tomorrow. I think the Amy Winehouse idea is not going to work out. But, I've got the ole standby fairy wings! I know, it's an easy way out. But what can I say?
OOOhhh. And I need to make an Election Day post here pretty soon. I will be laying out the front page (at 2 in the morning most likely....ugh...) But, I choose not to talk politics in blog--land. But, if you know me, you know who I'm rooting for :)