Something about humid, disgusting late-summer days make me dream of fall.
And autumn makes me think of new clothes!!! I think this stems from the days of back-to-school shopping and that possibility of starting anew.
In any event, I'm sure I will not be able to wait and will be wearing sweaters in 75 degree weather.
Here are some definite possibilities:

boots from spirocreations
These are a bit pricey, but so cute! I also love the little yellow shoes in their shop. drool.

Clogs from Birkenstock
But, to maintain tradition, I will most likely buy a pair of Birks. I usually get a new Birk sandal in the summertime, and a new clog in the fall. Tradition .. or fashion rut!?
Love it, Love it!! Specially the cowl and the boots, they're so cool and beautiful! Thank you for sharing them :)
that hat is too perfect!
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