Do you ever notice how the days before your vacation FEEL like vacation! I've already got that light feeling that comes with knowing I won't have to work for a whole week! It's like no matter what happens, all today I can just keep saying "only one more day... only one more day."
But, really, I haven't started work yet, so really, I have two days. It's a pretty short work week though! :) :)
Here's a little bit about my fun weekend:
I did Etsy and met my mom for a thrift shop run on Sunday.
Then on Monday, my guy came over for .....
..... Car wash fun! ......

... and he brought me flowers :) .......

..... we went to Surreybrooke Farms in Frederick (sp?) .....

.... isn't this place cool! My mom and Beth from work both told me about how cool it was, so we had to check it out. Rich bought a couple bushes and some groundcover there, too :)

... then got carryout from The Black Hog barbecue and ate it on the banks of Carroll Creek.
So now, I've got to get to the serious list-making and packing before our big trip!! :)