My sister, Amanda, niece, Ella and bro-in-law, Max's visit came and went way too soon!!! But we had a quality two days of playing outside, inside, driving around places and even eating out! Fun fun fun! But boy, am I tired.
I am really in awe of how my sister is able to do it. I was having to take a break on the couch after just a few hours of playing. But she is on all the time! Ella is a lucky little girl!!
When they first arrived, we all met up with my parents and Rich (he was sooo nervous!!) near my apartment for dinner at this Italian place..then they all came back to see inside my "studio" (aka one-room) apartment. It was a tight squeeze and a big cockroach crawled across the floor right in front of everyone's feet! Lots of screaming, and it was squashed. How embarassing!
Oh, and the girls went to this ribbon outlet! I will have to make a new post just about that. It was a-may-ziinnng.
Alright, I am off to catch up with my Etsy....I think she is feeling jealous :) hehehee