I know you might be expecting some really cool blog entry about my new studio space and the wallpaper and all the new exciting organizational techniques, but, sadly, it's all still in construction.
My poor BF and his dad have been hard at work since (and before) I moved in a few days ago.
It's getting pretty well along though -- all that's left are the closet doors, a new hallway door and trim around the windows.
I'm finding it hard to get all my Etsy work done in this new environment though! In my old apartment, everything had a space, and I knew just where that space was. But now, you'll find my shipping scale in a carton in the corner of my studio room, my scissors somewhere in the kitchen, and a big roll of bubble wrap next to the coffee table.
I'm being patient though, and using this time as a semi-vacation time ... I'm only packing and shipping -- no creating just yet.
It will be SO SWEET when it's all ready though! I think I'll do a video-tour when I've got it all set-up.
In the meantime ...
Aren't the boots awesome! They're from Wal-Mart -- which I guess is bad, but, whatever .. I'm cheap :)
Here's some views of the backyard flowers! My BF has this awesome camera that I plan on using all the time ... thus making it mine (sort of) hehe :)